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Märklin · Pennsylvania Railroad class K4

Start / Bestimmungshilfen / Pennsylvania Railroad class K4

The Pennsylvania Railroad’s K4 4-6-2 „Pacific“ (425 built 1914–1928, PRR Altoona, Baldwin) was their premier passenger-hauling steam locomotive from 1914 through the end of steam on the PRR in 1957.


Attempts were made to replace the K4s, including the K5 and the T1 duplex locomotive, but neither were very successful. The K4s hauled the vast majority of express passenger trains until they were replaced by diesel locomotives. The K4s were not powerful enough for the heavier trains they often pulled from the mid-1930s onward, so they were often double- or even triple-headed. This was effective, but expensive, and several crews were needed. The PRR did have the extra locomotives, many having been displaced by electrification.


PRR K4s No. 1361 and 3750 were declared Pennsylvania’s official state steam locomotive on December 18, 1987, when Pennsylvania Governor Robert P. Casey signed into law House Bill No. 1211.


Quelle: Wikipedia

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